US finds no evidence linking Havana Syndrome to foreign foe

The US diplomatic mission in Havana. EFE/Alejandro Ernesto/File

Washington, Mar 1 (EFE).- The United States government has seen nothing to indicate that the Havana Syndrome, the name given to a cluster of health issues experienced by American diplomats at home and abroad, resulted from the actions of a foreign adversary, the National Intelligence Council said in a report released Wednesday. “Symptoms reported by … Read more

FBI chief backs Wuhan ‘lab leak’ coronavirus theory

A person runs on the bank of the Yangtze River, in Wuhan, China, 30 December 2020. EFE/EPA/FILE/ROMAN PILIPEY

New York, Mar 1 (EFE).- The director of the FBI Christopher Wray said the bureau believes that the Covid-19 pandemic “most likely” originated from a laboratory leak in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Wray’s claim fuels a divide in the United States intelligence community over the origins of the coronavirus, with other agencies suggesting the … Read more