View of the Embassy of Cuba in the United States, in Washington, D.C, USA, 25 September 2023. EFE/ Octavio Guzmán

US calls attack on Cuban embassy in Washington “unacceptable”

Washington, Sept 25 (EFE).- The United States on Monday called the Molotov cocktail attack against the Cuban embassy in Washington “unacceptable” and assured that it is in contact with the island’s diplomatic delegation.

“All attacks and threats against diplomatic facilities are unacceptable,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters.

“We are in contact with Cuban embassy officials, and consistent with our obligations under the Vienna Convention, the department is committed to the security of diplomatic facilities and the diplomats who work there,” he said.

The attack, according to the Cuban Foreign Ministry, occurred Sunday afternoon when an individual threw two Molotov cocktails at the embassy.

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel and Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez had returned to Havana hours earlier after spending a week in New York for the United Nations General Assembly.

The US reaction comes after the Cuban Foreign Ministry said in a statement Monday that “the permissive behavior” of US authorities in the face of “violent actions” could have “stimulated” Sunday’s attack.

People demonstrate on September 25, 2023 in front of the Cuban embassy in Washington (USA). EFE/ Octavio Guzmán

The ministry added that it had repeatedly warned the US authorities about “the message that is being sent” with the “attitude” of the US government “in the face of threats of this type against the Cuban diplomatic headquarters.”

On Sunday night, the Minister of Foreign Affairs described the aggression as “terrorist” and blamed it on “anti-Cuban groups.”

The spokesman for the US State Department declined to comment on this qualification.

He pointed out that an investigation was underway and that it would be inappropriate to speculate on motives before knowing the outcome.

Miller stressed that the State Department’s security service works closely with law enforcement to protect and maintain the security of foreign missions in the US.

Cuban ambassador in Washington, Lianys Torres Rivera, wrote on social media on Monday morning explaining the events.

Her message was accompanied by four photographs showing the remains of a Molotov cocktail in one of the windows of the building and another on the ground, as well as three police officers evaluating the scene.

Also on Monday morning, EFE was able to verify, the area had returned to normal and there were no obvious signs of increased security.

Starting at 5:00 p.m. local time (9:00 p.m. GMT), a demonstration was held in front of the Cuban Embassy, called by the group National Networks on Cuba, to demand that the US authorities investigate the attack as “terrorist” and remove Cuba from its list of state sponsors of terrorism.

About 30 people gathered in front of the embassy and also demanded the lifting of the US trade blockade against the island, carrying banners with messages such as “Down with the blockade.”

The Cuban ambassador and diplomats did not participate in the demonstration, which was mostly attended by US citizens.

People demonstrate on September 25, 2023 in front of the Cuban embassy in Washington (USA). EFE/ Octavio Guzmán
People demonstrate on September 25, 2023 in front of the Cuban embassy in Washington (USA). EFE/ Octavio Guzmán

The Cuban embassy in Washington had already suffered another attack in April 2020, when an individual fired an assault rifle at the building, causing damage to its structure.

The Cuban Foreign Ministry regretted that, after three years, “the perpetrator of the incident is still waiting to be tried and the United States government has refused to classify the incident as a terrorist act.”

As a result of these events, several officials of the Cuban government and the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC, the only legal one) denounced online the fact that the United States keeps their country on the list of countries that promote terrorism.EFE
