Prime Miniset Benjamín Netanyahu in a file picture. EFE-EPA/FILE/ABIR SULTAN

Netanyahu’s post-war plan: Demilitarized Gaza, indefinte Israeli security, UNRWA closure

Jerusalem, Feb 23 (EFE).- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has unveiled his plan for the aftermath of the war in Gaza, which includes indefinite Israeli security control of a demilitarized strip and the closure of the UN relief agency in the war-torn Palestinian enclave.

While lacking specifics, the plan offers his oft-repeated goals. It was formally presented to the security cabinet for the first time and approved Thursday night.

The document outlines Netanyahu’s immediate goals, such as neutralizing the military capabilities and infrastructure of both Hamas and Islamic Jihad, liberating hostages, and preventing Gaza from posing future threats.

In the medium term, Netanyahu envisions a Gaza where the Israeli military maintains operational freedom with a secured border perimeter and control over the Gaza-Egypt boundary to prevent the resurgence of terrorist activities.

The plan stresses collaboration with Egypt and assistance from the United States in implementing measures to prevent smuggling through the Rafah crossing.

Security control in the occupied West Bank and Gaza will remain under Israel, with Gaza completely demilitarized beyond what is necessary for public order.

Netanyahu plans to delegate civil administration and public order to local officials with administrative experience, ensuring they are free from ties to entities supporting terrorism.

The document implicitly excludes Hamas, which de facto rules Gaza, and the Palestinian Authority in the occupied West Bank from participation in the project.

It also introduces a comprehensive program for the deradicalization of religious and educational institutions in Gaza, with assistance from other Arab countries.

Regarding long-term goals, Netanyahu remains firm in rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state.

“Israel will continue to oppose unilateral recognition in a Palestinian state. Such a recognition following the massacre of Oct. 7 would give a huge reward to unprecedented terrorism and prevent any future settlement for peace,” the document says.

The plan proposes the closure of the UN Refugee Agency (UNRWA), reiterating previous allegations of its involvement in the Hamas attack that killed nearly 1,200 people in Israel.

However, these allegations lack conclusive evidence since Israel first made them in January.

“Israel will work to end UNRWA’s activities in the Gaza Strip and replace them with responsible international aid agencies.” EFE
