A firefighter from Prevfogo, a wildfire extinguishment brigade of the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), takes part in extinguishing a fire in the Brazilian Pantanal, in Corumbá, Brazil, 26 June 2024. EFE/ Sebastião Moreira/FILE

Brazil ramps up efforts to identify Pantanal fires perpetrators

Corumba, Brazil, Jun 26 (EFE).- Actions to control the fires in the Brazilian Pantanal intensified Thursday in the biome, where authorities are also carrying out investigations to identify the perpetrators, after it was learned that the fires were caused by human action.

Firefighters from Prevfogo, a wildfire extinguishment brigade of the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), takes part in extinguishing a fire in the Brazilian Pantanal, in Corumbá, Brazil, 26 June 2024. EFE/ Sebastião Moreira/FILE

The largest wetland in the world, which Brazil shares with Bolivia and Paraguay, suffers from the threat of flames, which in June already surpassed any historical record for the period.

A firefighter from Prevfogo, a wildfire extinguishment brigade of the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), takes part in extinguishing a fire in the Brazilian Pantanal, in Corumbá, Brazil, 26 June 2024. EFE/ Sebastião Moreira/FILE

The fires have been concentrated in the southwest of the Pantanal, around the municipality of Corumba, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, a border region with Bolivia.

There, the flames have left a gray and gloomy scene in the region, usually flooded by water most of the year.

A few animals have been seen alive or burned in affected areas, as the EFE team was able to verify.

Government support continued to reach the area Thursday, 40 brigade members of the National Force joined the more than 250 who are already operating in the region and who will remain active for the next two months. EFE
