Unprecedented April heatwave hits Asia as temperatures surge above 40 degrees

Indian boys cool off in the river Ganga during a hot afternoon in Kolkata, India, 18 April 2023. EFE-EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY

Bangkok, Apr 19 (EFE).- An unprecedented heatwave is wreaking havoc in Asia with temperatures surging above 40 degrees and causing deaths and significant crop damage in India apart from scorching countries such as China, Thailand and Myanmar. Authorities in India’s western state of Maharashtra on Wednesday cautioned against outdoor activities during the middle of the … Read more

NASA to kids: Some of you could go to Mars

US astronauts Jessica Watkins and Bob Hines pose with kids and teachers from Thomson Elementary School on March 30, 2023, in Washington DC. EFE/Octavio Guzman

Washington, Mar 30 (EFE).- How does it feel to know that you’re going into space? Does your food float? – Astronauts Jessica Watkins, Kjell Lindgren and Bob Hines on Thursday were the “stars” for kids at a Washington school, who they told that in the not-too-distant future some of them could be the first people … Read more

Bones found in South Australia belong to huge eagle that hunted kangaroos

An undated handout photo shows lead author Dr Ellen Mather holding the femur of a wedge-tailed eagle (left) and Dynatoaetus gaffae (right) for comparison. EFE/HANDOUT/Tania Bawden

Sydney, Australia, Mar 16 (EFE).- The remains of a raptor discovered in South Australia are that of a giant extinct eagle with a three-meter wingspan and talons large enough to hunt kangaroos, an academic report said Thursday. Flinders University fossil hunters pieced together its story after new research of fossil cave remains found in South … Read more

The Japanese band making ‘electromagnetic punk’ with obsolete devices

Tokyo, Sep 5 (EFE).- Japanese art collective Electronicos Fantasticos! is using obsolete devices like fans, old television monitors and lamps to create music. Techno beats and rock boom out of the speakers in a concert hall as the artists, led by musician Ei Wada, perform with DIY instruments like cathode ray screens attached to guitar … Read more

The snake hunters of Bangkok

By Nayara Batschke Bangkok, Sep 9 (EFE).- Every 15 minutes, Bangkok’s “snake hunters” get an emergency call to respond to surprise serpent-human encounters in the Thai capital. The frequency of these interactions increases during the rainy season in the southeast Asian country, where about 60,000 of these animals are captured every year. Between June and … Read more