US film director Woody Allen poses during the premiere of "Coup de Chance" on Sept. 18 in Barcelona.EFE/Enric Fontcuberta

Woody Allen: I’ll keep making movies as long as someone pays for them

Barcelona, Spain, Sep 19 (EFE).- US film director Woody Allen presented his latest movie “Coup de Chance” (Stroke of Luck) on Monday in Barcelona, coinciding with the first of the two concerts he will offer in the city with his jazz band.

US film director Woody Allen poses during the premiere of "Coup de Chance" on Sept. 18 in Barcelona.EFE/Enric Fontcuberta

During an interview with EFE, Allen, 87, acknowledged he is not thinking about retirement as he plans to continue making films.

“I have some ideas for movies and, if somebody would pay for them, I’m sure I’ll be tempted to make them. But somebody has to pay for them, to put them up on the screen, and that’s not easy,” he said.

Being asked about the possibility of filming a movie in Spain in the future, the Hollywood director of movies such as “Manhattan,” “Annie Hall,” and “Match Point,” among others, confessed his love for the country.

“I’d be very happy to film in Barcelona,” he said, recalling the good experience he had filming in San Sebastian (Rifkin’s festival, 2020).

“I filmed in San Sebastian and I loved it. It’s so beautiful,” Allen added.

According to Allen, “Coup de Chance” was initially planned as “a story about two Americans who lived in Paris,” but when he started to develop the story, things became complicated because he needed more characters and that was when he thought about filming everything in French with French actors.

The fact that the filming was in French did not make him lose control over the final result.

“You can tell who’s acting well and who’s acting poorly by their emotional…You can tell if they’re good or not good. That was very easy. It was not hard,” he said.

The American director revealed that filming in Paris was a great pleasure since it’s “a city I like to work in, I’m used to it, I know the vibration there.”

Regarding the similarities between “Manhattan Murder Mystery” and “Coup de Chance,” Allen admitted that both movies share many of his themes, such as conversations around the table, the jazzy soundtrack, infidelity, death and murder.

However, in “Coup de Chance,” there’s “really no comedy”.

“It’s a serious movie. I’ve made 50 movies and I’d say that probably 40 of them at least have been comedies, but every now and then I get an idea that’s a serious (one) and I do it,” he added.

Playfully alluding to with the title of his recent film, Allen considered it “a stroke of luck” that its premiere and the first of his two concerts at the Barcelona’s Jazz Festival happened to be in the same city and on the same day.

“It’s been kind of a coincidence. I wanted to do a gesture with the band and I didn’t know when the movie was going to be presented,” he said. EFE
