The elected president of Argentina Javier Milei takes a tour to the Casa Rosada accompanied by his sister Karina Milei after being sworn in the National Congress in Buenos Aires in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 10 December 2023. EFE/ Enrique García Medina

Argentine police hunt for man who threw bottle at Milei’s parade, injuring bodyguard

Buenos Aires, Dec 11 (EFE).- Argentine authorities are searching for a man who injured a bodyguard by throwing a bottle at the presidential motorcade of newly inaugurated President Javier Milei, who was traveling in an open-top vehicle between Congress and the Casa Rosada on Sunday.

A video still from security cameras released by the Argentine channel La Nación+ shows a man throwing a glass bottle at the convertible carrying the ultra-liberal economist and his sister and chief adviser, Karina Milei, hitting one of the motorcade’s escorts and injuring him on the side of the neck.

The attack is being investigated by the Argentine Federal Police, but the security minister of the Buenos Aires city government, Waldo Wolff, told the TN network that the alleged assailant’s name was Gastón Ariel Mercanzini.

After verifying that neither the president nor his sister had been injured, the motorcade continued without stopping until at one point Milei asked to stop to greet the people who were cheering him on Avenida de Mayo and to pet a dog.

Other than this incident, which became known on Monday, the inauguration day went smoothly.

After taking the oath of office in front of the Legislative Assembly and being sworn in by former President Alberto Fernández, Milei gave a speech in front of the National Congress building, accompanied by world leaders such as King Felipe VI of Spain and Presidents Gabriel Boric of Chile and Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine.

Then, Milei boarded a convertible to go to the Plaza de Mayo, where the Casa Rosada, the seat of government, is located, and later attended an interfaith ceremony at the Metropolitan Cathedral and a special gala at the Colón Theater. EFE cmm/ics