(FILE) Iranian Armed Forces drones, Tehran, Iran, 17 October 2020. EFE/ Marina Villén

Iran uses missiles and drones to attack what it says are terrorist bases in Pakistan

Tehran, Jan 16 (EFE).- Iran on Tuesday attacked two bases of the Sunni armed group Jaish al-Adl in Pakistani territory, hours after bombing Syria and Iraq in the early morning, the Tasnim agency reported.

“Two important headquarters of the Jaish al-Adl terrorist group were destroyed with missiles and drones in Pakistan,” said Tasnim, an agency affiliated with the Persian country’s Revolutionary Guards.

The strikes were carried out in the Koh Sahz area of Pakistan’s Baluchistan province, which borders Iran’s Sistan and Baluchestan region.

Tasnim did not provide further information about the attacks, saying that details of the bombings would be released later.

Jaish al-Adl, or the Army of Justice, is a Sunni group opposed to the Shiite regime in Tehran, which it claims is backed by Israel.

The group has taken responsibility for an attack that killed 11 policemen in the Iranian town of Rask in December, among other attacks in recent years.

The attacks come after Iran’s Revolutionary Guard launched strikes early Tuesday morning against targets associated with the Islamic State militant group (also known as Isis or Daesh) and “spies of the Zionist regime (Israel)” in Iraqi and Syrian territory.

In its communiqué, the Revolutionary Guards claimed that the site in Iraqi Kurdistan it targeted was the “center for the development of espionage operations and planning of terrorist actions in the region” and specifically by Israel against Iran.

Four civilians were killed in these attacks in Erbil.

Tehran claimed that these attacks were in response to the double suicide bombing in Kerman that killed 94 people this month, which was claimed by the Islamic State, and the attack on the police station in Rask.

The bombings come at a time of heightened tension in the Middle East over the war in Gaza, and amid repeated attacks by pro-Iranian militias against US positions in Iraq and Syria. EFE
